Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Make me a Grape

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.  II Corinthians 5:17
My aunt just had three heart surgeries in one.  Her aortic valve was replaced with a cow's valve (she says she has to go around saying "moo" now - I told her that at least we would know it was her coming towards us), they strengthened her mitral valve and they put in a pace maker.  Even though she has  a new valve, if she doesn't do as the doctor's tell her, she will ruin the replacement and weaken the mitral valve all over. 
We are given surgery the moment we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord.  Our "heart of stone" is replaced with a "heart of flesh."  But what if we refuse to eat the meat of God's Word and drink the water flowing from His Holy Spirit through communication with Him?  Our heart will wither up like a grape as it turns into a raisin.  Now a raisin is still a grape, it is simply dried out, just as we, though shriveled with the cares of this world, are still children of God.  We just don't look nearly as appetizing as the plump, juicy grape.   We have little juice to share with those who are thirsty and our meat is much tougher to chew, but those grapes will quench the thirst and feed the soul of someone starving and dry a little at a time if they keep refueling with the Water and the Meat.
Father, help us remember that we need Your nourishment daily so that we have enough to share with others in need.  Studying Your Word and allowing Your Spirit to speak to and discipline us is both refreshing and rejuvenating.  It plumps us back up sweet and juicy.  It makes our lives a nourishing treat for a starving, thirsty world. 

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