Friday, June 13, 2014

Unjust Scales

Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight.  Proverbs 11:1  (NKJV)
Generosity - the quality of being kind, understanding and not selfish: the quality of being generous; willingness to give money and other valuable things to others. (Websters)
This is a good definition, but I like another even better:


[jen-uh-ros-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural gen·er·os·i·ties.
1.readiness or liberality in giving.
2.freedom from meanness or smallness of mind or character.
3.a generous act: We thanked him for his many generosities.
4.largeness or fullness; amplitude.
I never really considered the word much before.  Recently our pastor had the church send a book to every member called Generosity: Moving Toward the Life that is Truly Life by Gordon MacDonald.  When we first received it I was in the middle of another study, so I set it aside until I finished.  A week ago I finished the other study, felt drawn to this one and so picked it up and began.  I did not realize I needed such an awakening in my spirit. 
Before I write more, I recommend that, even if you cannot find the book in order to do the study yourself,  watch the videos that go along with the book.  They are free and you can find them at  It just may surprise you the way it did me.
I have always considered myself a fairly generous person.  That's great, but once this study began to get hold of me, I realized I don't want to be "fair" at anything, especially in the area of generosity.  This particular book doesn't have you really dig into scripture, so to speak, so I asked God what portion of the Bible I should be delving into to go along with this.  Proverbs immediately came to mind.  My thought was, "Oh good!! I get to study wisdom again!"  Little did I know there was a much more in-depth look into Proverbs that God wanted me to journey through.
At the end of week one I was given some questions to ponder.  (Quotations are my personal responses at the time.)  The book asked what I thought of three statements: 1.  God is the first and most generous giver: "Duh! Of course He is!  He sent His Son to die in my place.  There is nothing more generous than that.  Not only that, but He just keeps giving and giving and giving, meeting not only me needs, but fulfilling heart desires that I sometimes don't realize I have until they are met!!"  2.  When we give, the world takes notice: "I would like to think so, but in today's world it almost seems that, unless it is some really huge gift, it is ignored as insufficient and almost patronized.  However, those we minister to personally notice and are grateful."  3.  We are most like God when we give: (This is the one that God really got me on.) "I disagree.  We are most like God when we love."  God's immediate response (and I mean immediate, I almost didn't get to finish the thought.  He knew what I was gonna think before I did, so He was more than ready with the answer) Ah, true, but true love automatically produces generosity.  If generosity isn't present, then neither is true love complete.  Ouch!!  First wake up call.
This morning I read week two day three and then watched the video "I like adoption."  Tears came to my eyes as I watched the smiles on the faces of the nine children that had been rescued from certain death by one family.  When it was over, I opened my Bible to Proverbs 11, because that is the chapter I was on, and the very first verse jumped out at me. I have printed it above.  Unjust scales: God laid it on my heart that I have some unjust scales laid up in my heart.  I don't even really know what they are yet, only that they are there.  It grieves me to realize this, but at the same time excites me.  Why?  Because as I mulled over the fact and felt the grief begin to form, I received comfort from my ever-loving Father who had me look up those definitions of generosity.  When I read the words "freedom from meanness or smallness of mind or character" I was ready to step away from the grief and begin anticipating the victory that is surely to come.  Even though I am not completely free in this area yet, I know my God is so generous Himself, that He will never leave me or forsake me in this area anymore than He would in any other.  I look forward to beginning to gain more freedom in the area of generosity as I learn just what unjust scales I have been weighing throughout my life.
Father, only in You is true freedom found.  I thank You for Your discipline in my life and that You never stop there, but continue on with me in love, reminding me, revealing new things to me and showing me the freedom I can have if I will simply trust and obey You in everything!!  Remove the unjust scales from my heart and set me free to be generous in all I say, think or do.  In Jesus' most precious, all powerful and holy name I ask it!!

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