Saturday, June 21, 2014

I'll Tell You What I Want, What I Really, Really Want - What I Need

I used to sit and ponder who I would marry.  There was a good reason for this; my mom spoke of it often.  She had four girls and only one boy so she would sit with us girls and tell us to pray about who we should marry.  Her heart desire was for us to all marry strong Christian men whom she could trust to take care of her daughters.  She did not say that, but as the mother of only one daughter and two sons, I know I prayed for my children to marry strong Christians, because I wanted them to be as happy and, if possible, even happier than their daddy and I.  I believe this is every loving mother's dream for their children.  Besides, she said as much. 
I remember well the thoughts I had regarding marriage: I want a man at least six feet tall, broad shoulders, black wavy hair, strong hands, hard worker, a Christian who is not afraid to show it, a non-smoker, a non-drinker of alcohol and who rarely, if ever, used curse words.  For those of you who didn't know him, I was describing my daddy - except that he smoked off and on again.  I hated it.  It made me cough just to smell it, even though he didn't normally smoke in front of us.  It was what I thought I really wanted and needed.  I was correct in many areas.  I needed to marry a Christian man who could and would control himself in all those areas, but what I didn't think about, but God knew, was I also needed a man whom I could trust in everything, who would never cheat, who would love me as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for it, a devoted workman, intelligent and with a great sense of humor.  I could go on, but suffice it to say, God knew the perfect man for me.  He does not have dark wavy hair - as a matter of fact it is quite the opposite, blond and straighter than straight, and he is just a tiny tad under six foot.  However, he has the broad shoulders and strong hands and all the rest of my list.  I am so glad God didn't just listen to my list and give me what I thought I wanted, but rather knew me so well that He gave me what I truly needed. 
In the book of Acts chapter three we read about a lame man whose friends brought to the Gate Beautiful, somewhere outside the Temple, every day to beg for money.  One day Peter and John were heading in to the Temple for prayer and they went through this gate.  When the man saw them he asked for what he thought he needed: money.
Peter and John stopped.  They looked at the man and God moved their hearts on his behalf.  Peter said, "Look at me!"  He wanted the man's full attention.
Side note: The other day I had three of my grandchildren spending the day with me.  I had been looking forward to this and had a blast, but one of them was way overly tired from staying up late the night before.  He kept saying he wanted to do things, but really didn't know what it was he wanted to do, just something!  We were playing games together, but he wanted to "do something" with the games before we played.  I asked what it was he wanted to do, but he had no answer, he just wanted to do something.  He dropped to the ground in a heap and started whining and crying.  He knows that this is something I do not put up with, yet tried it anyway.  I made him look at me so he could see I was completely serious and reminded him of the consequences, but he kept it up.  I finally scooped him  up and put him in bed.  I then told him that if he got rested and felt he could control himself and stop feeling sorry for himself, that he could come back in and join us.  He stayed in there for about a half hour, then came back and there were no more episodes for the rest of the day.  As a matter of fact he was quite cheerful.  He wanted to do something, but he needed rest.  After resting he did lots of things.
Just as I had my grandson look at me so he could see how serious and determined I was, Peter desired for the man to look at him for the exact same reasons. He then said to the man, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” vs. 6, and the man jumped up and began leaping and shouting and praising God.  God's Holy Spirit worked through Peter in the power of Jesus' name to give the man what he truly needed rather than only what he thought he wanted.  Now the man would be able to work and earn a living rather than have to beg.  He would be walking and have the money necessary for survival.
Father, thank You for not simply creating us and sending us out on our own, but staying with us and looking deeply into our hearts in order to give us what we truly need rather than what we think we want.  How amazing that You know what I need better than I, and even more so that You give it to me!!  You could give me what I ask without looking forward to my need, but You never do!!  You always do what is absolutely best for all Your children.  We sometimes are a bit ungrateful, because we forget that You know us better than we do.  For all those times I ask forgiveness and I want to express now my gratefulness for Your absolute generosity!!  Help me be more like You in every way, especially in this area.

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