Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Conscious Consideration

Generosity helps free us from the dangers of money.  The antidote to materialism is generosity.  Generosity leads us to greater dependence on God.
Which of these three statements has the greatest meaning for you and which the least?  Why?
I was asked this this morning.  The first one should have read "helps free us from the dangers of the love of money."  I disregarded it on this point alone.  The love of money is extremely dangerous and can lead to all types of entrapment, but money in and of itself is simply a means of trade.  While this is most likely what they meant, if a new Christian were to read this statement, it might confuse, frighten or even anger them.
The second statement is comparing materialism to a disease, which is quite appropriate in my opinion, as scripture does the same thing.  Since I already knew and agreed with this, I had to choose the third.  I would have's the only one I hadn't really consciously considered before. 

One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed.  Proverbs 19:17 (NASB) 

He that follows Lord Jehovah shows mercy upon the poor and he is rewarded according to his works.  Proverbs 19:17 (ABPE - Aramaic Bible in Plain English)
When I am generous, I am stating without words to the one receiving, "I believe God will meet all of my needs in this area, so don't worry about me." 
I remember a time just under two years ago when a neighbor called and asked to borrow some pumpkin.  Now I had PLENTY of pumpkin in my pantry as we like to keep it on hand.  We have a family (minus one) who absolutely love pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin whatever, so  when we heard there was a pumpkin shortage, we looked until we found some and bought twelve cans.  When this precious neighbor called, you would think I would have cheerfully said, "Sure!  I just bought a bunch of it!"  However, I humbly and ashamedly admit that I said the opposite.  I didn't lie, but what I said was, "Well, I have some, but I am reluctant to lend it as there is a pumpkin shortage and Thanksgiving is coming up."  She immediately said she understood and would simply go to the store and look for some.  I felt bad and then told her I guessed I could give her a can, but she assured me all would be well and hung up.  I almost cried.  I felt so horrid inside!!  Talk about selfish!  Here I had twelve cans, she had none and all she asked for was one!  I will hopefully never forget that day as long as I am alive on this earth so that I never make that sinful error again!  What I effectively said to that neighbor is, "I have to keep all this pumpkin because God may not provide me with what I need for Thanksgiving, so I have to do it myself."  How prideful and arrogant!  I sought and received forgiveness and asked God to gag me if I ever talked that way again! 
I love the ABPE version of Proverbs.  This may not be true for everyone, but it opens the verses to my spirit in new ways and helps me better understand what God is wanting to build up in me.  "He that follows Lord Jehovah..."  Have I made Him Lord of my wealth both materially and financially?  If so, am I truly following Him in every area of generosity?  He gives to me moment by moment.  Each breath I take is a gift from Him.  Each hug, each time of laughter, each word of love and encouragement, each hour of sleep and wakefulness and everything else that is of value in my life are all a gift from Him.  If I truly want to be like Him and reveal His love to others, then I will open myself up to the vulnerability of generosity every moment of my life.
Lord God, I know that I will never be able to match up to You, but I can strive to out of my love for You!!  Continue to discipline me in this area, helping me to continue on through the growth pains so I can become as much like You as is possible in this frail human body I exist in.  I thank You that one day this body will be perfected and serve You in ways I cannot fathom now, but will revel in then.  Thank You for loving me now and forever regardless of how I am at this moment!!

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