Monday, July 1, 2013

The Opportunity of Prayer

Therefore, I beg of you that before all things, you will offer supplications to God, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving, for the sake of all people...I Timothy 2:1

This is from the Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation.   I love it because of how it starts, "before all things."  We need to pray before really starting our day.  Each morning we should begin our day by thanking God for giving us another chance to serve Him.  We should then put that service to practice by lifting others in prayer.  There is no greater opportunity to serve others than by praying for them.  Then, if God lays something on our heart to do for them, do it.  Then we should seek His will for the day and ask Him to fulfill that will in us and to protect us from the temptations that will come our way.  It is only when our hearts are right that we can pray, study and share with others effectively. 
This morning I woke up with thanksgiving for salvation on my heart.  I went in to do my devotions and discovered the first one was on the Holy Spirit being our down payment for salvation.  He is our guarantee that payment has been made and we now belong to God.  If we don't have His presence in our lives, then we are not yet God's child, but can become one simply by asking and receiving.  

As I walked I felt led to pray for others' salvation, but that first I needed to get my slate washed clean.  Yesterday I was pretty lazy and needed to admit the fact and some other things that might seem petty to some, but get in the way of my personal communication with the Father, so I asked forgiveness and went on with my prayer, knowing He forgave even before I asked, because He knew I would seek Him on it. 
Sirens started blaring, letting me know someone was in danger.  A fire truck was headed out.  I immediately asked God to protect those involved and surround those in danger with His presence.  What an honor to be given that chance.  If I had given in to the laziness that tried to overcome me again this morning, I would have missed it!!
I love the way God will start our day if we let Him.  I am not perfect, therefore, there are days when I allow "stuff" to get in the way of my time with Him.  I ALWAYS regret it.  My day becomes frustrated and so do I.  God does not start throwing things at me to get my attention.  I simply open the door to frustration by not turning from it to God in the first place.  My fault, not His.  I get to choose and He grants me that right. He is always there quietly nudging me to just ask for His help!!  What a relief when I do.  He is always there, ready and waiting.

Lord, help us remember that prayer is not simply a duty to be performed, but an opportunity for service, not only unto others, but also to ourselves. 

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