Friday, September 28, 2012

I'm Dreaming

Randy Newman has released a new song entitled "I'm Dreaming."  My husband came across it one night as he listened to some of his favorite songs via the internet.  He had me listen to it to see what I thought of it.  His initial reaction was that it is a very racist song, though he did not tell me so until after I had listened.  I had a different reaction.  I assumed symbolism: white means honesty and integrity vs. black meaning doing as pleased regardless of the effect on the country or possibly even to gain more power to become tyrannical.  Racism didn't enter the picture in my mind, but perhaps that is because I was reared not to think in those terms.  A person is a person and there is no such thing as red, yellow, black and white, but simply different shades of brown.  We are all equally created in the image of God and therefore should not esteem ourselves better than anyone else.  "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves."  Philippians 2:3  So when I heard the ending of the song that says:
Whiter than this?
Whiter than this?
Whiter than this?
Whiter than this?
Oh yeah
I actually smiled.  Yes, I want a president who is more honest and has more integrity than even Lincoln, or Washington, etc.  I want Jesus as Lord over us all!  The only way that can happen is for a man or woman, regardless of race, with deep convictions and trust in the Lord to enter the office.
However, I am sad to say that I have recently learned that was not his message of intent.  He states in an article written about the song:  “I think there are a lot of people who find it jarring to have a black man in the White House and they want him out. They just can’t believe that there’s not a more qualified white man. You won’t get anyone, and I do mean anyone, to admit it."
It saddened me, I admit.  However, it cannot and will not change my opinion.  We need a man or woman in the White House as president who will stand by the constitution as it was intended, listen to the people when they cry out, and offer answers that bring integrity and honor back to our nation.

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