Sunday, December 6, 2015

Learning to Learn

Live as if you'll die tomorrow. Learn as if you'll live forever. - Mahatma Ghandi
Our motto says - Learn something new every day, but I think Ghandi was trying to get across that we should learn as much as we possibly can every day; read, don't be afraid to ask questions, be curious and look for things to REALLY learn about rather than just gain head knowledge.  While formal education may not be in God's plan for me, at least not at this time, it doesn't mean learning isn't.  Otherwise He wouldn't have placed this hunger "to know" inside of me. 
This thought went through my mind more than once this morning, "I want to write a children's book."
Ecclesiastes 11:6 says, "Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well." (NKJV) 
So now I have two dreams: Make toys for children in the hospital and write a children's book - but if either or both of them are to succeed, I must begin. 
I also must learn to be more observant.  Leonardo Da Vinci once said, "the average human being looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, inhales without awareness of odor or fragrance and talks without thinking."
That one about talking kinda hurts.
Since God has created us with an unlimited capacity for learning, then I am amiss if I do not do so.  However, knowing His instruction years ago to "let the Holy Spirit be your teacher rather than man,"
formal education is, at least for now, not in His plans.  Two reasons I am aware of, no three: I tend to become closed minded and open mouthed when I disagree with something being taught, I want to do something to correct said teaching and simply put, God says "no" right now.  I know the Holy Spirit will never misdirect my education, but I am leery of man's ability to twist his learning to his own purposes, because I know how many times God has had to correct me personally in this area.
So, for me, I will continue to seek God and His will for my life, but perhaps - hopefully - prayerfully - with a little more alertness in the five senses arena and with a bit more determination to begin what can never become finished unless begun. 
I am Yours, O Lord.  Lead me, teach me, and use me to Your heart's content!!

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