Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Love Trumps All

I was recently asked if my relationship with God came out of a lot of suffering.  Maybe, but I don't look back on my life and see a lot in comparison to others lives.

I have suffered illness, many fears that have had to be overcome, miscarriage, some other things that would be divulging confidences, deaths of loved ones, and pain, but love conquers all of that.
As a child I did not fear dying.  My parents' love for me made me confident that all would be well, even though they evidently feared for my life many times over. 
When I reached the age where I realized death meant hell for some and heaven for others, then I started fearing death as I knew I was headed for hell.  I didn't know what to do about it. It took some time, but suffice it to say, I was truly saved at 16 and my life has never been the same.
I really think that a lot of my faith has to do with my relationship with my daddy.  He was my example of the Father's love and did an awesome job.  I always felt safe, secure and loved, even though I only had hand-me-down clothes that were usually too big (except on rare occasion), lived in a cramped 4 room house with 7 people and 1 small bathroom and was made fun of most of my growing up years.  Daddy always made me feel pretty and smart where others made me feel homely, dense and inadequate.  I always knew I could run to Daddy.  That's why his passing into eternity was so difficult for all his children.  The only thing that made it bearable was knowing he is with Jesus, so we will get to be with him for eternity.
Because of this wonderful example, I have known from the moment of my salvation that I have a Father in God that I can run to in every situation, whether good or bad and feel loved. 
Was it suffering?  Somewhat perhaps, but my daddy's love exhibiting my heavenly Father's love was, I think, the most influential.  No matter how much suffering I go through (and I pray I always remember this) I know Jesus suffered greater and understands how I feel, so I can tell Him anything and everything I feel and think and He will comfort me, teach me and guide me through it.
Actually, I think I am more blessed than anything else.  Suffering lasts a moment, but my Father and my life with Him is eternal!!

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