Friday, March 1, 2013

Learning Through Suffering

Evil and suffering happen, not because God desires us to suffer and yet, because He allows it.  There are many Christians and non-believers out there who feel there should never be suffering of any kind.  The Christian feels that if we simply have enough faith, it will go away.  I started to believe this once  myself.  Then I began getting into Scripture and discovered that it simply isn't true.  God allows suffering for several reasons, the greatest one being that He loves us more than we can begin to imagine.  When we trust in doctrine rather than God, our faith in that doctrine, not our faith in God, is what should suffer when things go wrong.

Michael and I were blessed with three children.  Each of them has been tested and has an IQ within the genius range.  To my knowledge, my husband has never had an IQ test, but suffice it to say, I have no doubt he is in the genius range as well.  He is able to figure things without having the education supposedly required, where those who have could not.  This tells me he is extremely smart.  Have you ever tried living in a house full of geniuses?  Talk about strong wills!  It was my responsibility as mom and primary care giver (I was a stay at home mom until they all were in school and then I went to work at their school) to make certain our children grew up into well respected, well behaved and most of all God fearing adults.  I did not, and still do not, want them to suffer.  But you know what?  There were times I caused them to suffer!!  When they looked at me with that smug "I'm smarter than you" expression and set out to directly defy me?  Yeah, they suffered, albeit for a very SHORT time.  There were times my frustration would be so great, I had to go lock myself in my bedroom for a few moments and pray for wisdom and patience before serving discipline, because I didn't want to give in to anger.  Sometimes they received three swats.  Sometimes they were sent to bed for a while.  Sometimes they had to give up something they really wanted to do desperately.  Sometimes they had a toy, or video games or telephone privileges taken away.  The worst was when they were grounded to each other.  I wasn't just a mean old mom then.  I was the enemy!  Of course, they didn't realize this was what I wanted, because it caused them to unite.  The only times they were grounded to each other was when they were fighting and refused to compromise.  After having only each other to play with for three or four days, they were having a marvelous time together as they griped about me!   They are great friends to this day and I pray always will be.  They get angry with each other, but they always reunite.  So their railing against me (and their dad, as he always backed me to the hilt) was well worth it.

God  loves us so much more than we do our children.  Because of this,  He desires our very best and sometimes that involves suffering - and yes, in comparison to eternity, it is for a VERY short time.  Even those times when there are masses involved in the suffering, such as a tornado or earthquake; perhaps those are times God has allowed so that His children will band together, even at the expense of calling Him mean and the world calling Him enemy.  It is at those times that we put forth our greatest effort to unite to reach the lost and minister to the needy, is it not?  When there is little going on regarding suffering, we tend to become lethargic. 
And indeed every one who is determined to live a godly life as a follower of Christ Jesus will be persecuted.  II Timothy 3:12
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.  Hebrews 12:6 So, if I ever STOP suffering discipline, that will be the time to fret!!  "We should see our suffering as God keeping His promises, not violating them."  (Randy Alcorn)  

God promises to love us, so He teaches us through suffering, evil, blessings, creation and every other opportunity that presents itself.  The great thing is -  we have another of His promises: We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28  We have all eternity to enjoy no suffering or evil.  The short time we do experience it, we need to learn all we can from it and serve Him to the utmost through it.

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