Today I begin a new journey.
I woke at 4 am, did my Bible reading a short prayer time, wrote a blog
and went back to bed at 7 am. I slept about an hour until my husband
woke up, then got up again to make breakfast. Our day had begun.
However, it was not to be a usual day.How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16
Monday, January 12, 2015
The Circle Maker
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Let My People Go!!
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go
to Pharaoh and say to him, 'This is what the LORD, the God of the
Hebrews, says: "Let my people go, so that they may worship me."
Exodus 9:1
For a while now, God has been speaking
these words to my heart, “Let my people go.” One way of
interpretation is that I have been enabling some to continue in sin.
I can see this as true in my family. It is not as true as it used to
be, but I still have difficulty. If one of my children is in need of
help, of course I want to be there to help them!! However, if they
continually place themselves in the same situation over and over
again, complaining to me all the time that they need help, my
mothers' instinct cries out to go to their aid, but the Holy Spirit
whispers to my heart to step aside. Once in a while I actually
listen to Him. During those times I go through a grieving period
first. Then I listen to see if there is anything the Lord wants me
to do or say. I have to force myself to do as I am told, because it
virtually always brings tears, rantings, defiance, hurt, etc. and
these things make me feel as if my heart were literally breaking in
two. If I don't do what I am asked, a void appears in that same
heart. A void that becomes filled with loneliness and despair due to
the fact that I know that I know I have disobeyed and am having to
face the fact. I also have to face the consequences of having work
to do that is not mine, but I took upon myself.
The truth is, we can really only
rescue a person from a pit one time. If they go back to it again, we
are no longer rescuing them, but are instead enabling them to do it
again and again, as they are convinced that we will always be there
to pull them out. If we are able to pull them out once by following
God's direction in so doing, we should rejoice.
Remember this: Whoever turns a
sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and
cover over a multitude of sins. James 5:20 NIV
if they turn around and jump right back into the pit of sin you just
helped pull them out of, then we must allow God to do what needs
doing, rather than jumping right back in to try and pull them out
again. There may be times He sends us back to them with a warning,
saying something along the lines of, “You were given a second
chance and you chose not to take it. God is always willing to give
you another chance, but you have to choose to take it and hang on to
it,” but ultimately, they have to make the decision, as much as we
wish we could make it for them.
am personally going through a time of letting go right now. My
husband has decided that he needs to gain back the weight he has
lost. For a while I was out right angry!! I kept praying and asking
God to change his heart and help him see what he is doing is
destructive to himself. Then one day I decided to pour out my heart
to a dear friend and relative-in-law I knew would not talk to others
about anything I told her. I told her every concern and how I was so
angry inside. She comforted me and said she would pray and I am
confident she did, because the next morning I woke to do my Bible
and prayer time and a remarkable thing happened. I read my
devotional and then prayed and asked, “Lord, is there any
particular scripture You want me to read today?” Faster than
immediately came this, “Obadiah 3.” Obadiah? Who reads Obadiah
unless they are getting ready to teach/preach on it or are reading
their Bible through in a year? But I opened my Bible and started
turning pages, but I did say to God, “Lord, I don't think there are
three chapters in Obadiah.” I found the book (it comes in handy to
know the books in order) within seconds and as I saw there was only
one chapter and smugly felt rather than said, “see?” the words,
“Just verse three,” shook my thoughts.
The pride of your heart has
deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your
home on the heights, you who say to yourself, 'Who can bring me down
to the ground?' Obadiah 3 NIV
now I will tell you what I was taught as I read: “You say you live
in the cleft of My Rock in safety and no one can pull you down, but
you are filled with pride. You think you know what is best for your
husband and he thinks he knows what is best. The truth is, neither
of you do. I DO!!”
got on my knees and cried out for forgiveness. I told God that I
have battled pride all my life and just when I think it has left, it
rears its ugly head again! I repented and was able to really and
truly let my husband go.
long as we are clinging to a family member, dear friend or even a
stranger we are simply trying our best to help, we cannot truly cling
to God. Have you ever tried holding on to two children as they are
pulling to keep going? It is extremely hard work and they are
small!! So how do we expect to be able to cling to God Who is
humongous and human being at the same time? When God moves, we will
either slip off or be left hanging by a handhold.
is devious. I thought I was walking in love and concern, and while
part of me was, another part was doing just as God said I
was....trying to be Him.
is only One God, Father, and He is You!! Thank You for revealing the
truth of my sins and making me right with You once again.
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